Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11, 2009

I am looking for some sign of reversal today. Also I am still looking for SPY to hit 101.25 and QQQQ to hit 39.95.


  1. same here. still holding on to puts. Volatility is just crazy.

  2. I guess we should have a small correction on monday/tuesday even if we want to head higher, still holding those puts...

  3. We are looking for SPY to close at 105 or below and QQQQ at 41.50 or below to have a shot of reversal. Then the market could do a pullback to my targets

  4. Could today be one of these days where it will trade in a tight range?

    I always wanted to see how the market moves on the floor. Lots of investors mentioned the market is manipulated by MMs. I just want to see how they could do it on the floor. Maybe it is one of these secrets the MMs are binded not to reveal to the public until you are one of the trusted MMs.

  5. This is as close as to what I have read regarding the questions you ask.

    He had a few 'bad' calls last year with GM and F and ditched them from the list practically when it was too late. His other reports seem pretty close.. a little early sometimes (I don't think he even imagined the depth they were going to take it).

  6. Thanks, BAS. I will read over it this weekend.

  7. My line in the sand is 1044 SPX. If we close above that, I'm covering.

  8. I was reading some of the articles that BAS send the link. I assume the specialists have lots of money to short and go long.

    Dxo, by the time you covered, then the MMs or specialists will pull the market down. The specialists are to get the majority of the investors wrong.

  9. Maybe. We'll see what happens at close.

  10. yeah, it's really good 'theory'.. i suspect some of it is true.. but probably not all of it.

    It appears to fit the story of the whole market place. But it is only part of the puzzle. GS could be the boogey-man behind it all these days.

    I think a lot of my trades get picked off by those high frequency trading systems.

    I mean who the hell else would sell/buy my market orders of 500/1000/1500 shares of a stock at market at say 26.5999 ? Been hitting lots more of these #s lately. Rarely anymore does it get in 100/200/47/100/53 shares blocks on a trade of 500 shares. Maybe that's what is more common in QID/QQQQ/SPXU/UPRO than a regular stock of an actual company.

  11. I was amazed by some of the articles.

    We all know the market opens at 9:30 AM.
    But the specialists gather together at 7:30 AM and discuss what they want to accomplish in closed door meeting. They pretty much control the market to perfection.

  12. If the government are rewriting the banking systems, auto industries, health care system, why not stock market? I still believe there are lots of crooks out there beside Madoff. Imagine if some of the schemes come from inside of Goldman Sachs.

  13. Keeping an eye on the ^DXY and UUP. I think the dollar has found a floor here. If the dollar reverses sharply, I think a retracement in equities is likely.

  14. Suspending mark to market on housing that will probably never recover for 15-20 years, definitely made a lot of banks appear solvent over night.

    I hope not to influence you and your already working system!

    It's kind of amazing how certain stocks got blown out last year.. $5/a week loss.. and yet others weren't really affected. Was it really hedge funds blowing up or a combination of both specialist short selling (or even GS) and people bailing?

    Well, the articles do make for a good read.

  15. The more vehicles or mean out there to make money on stock markets, the more money we will lose to them.

    Think about it. Who invented options, ETFs and others? The specialists don't even care about fundamentals anymore. For techinicals charting, they can screw you with the charts.

  16. That's true and MMs do push the tape to trigger stops all the time.

    Just got back from lunch, tape is unchanged. Probably will have to wait until next week to find out where this is all going.

  17. I don't what was going on the last 5 minutes,
    but it was very encouraging for the bears.

    The QQQQ closed almost where its opened and SPY closed below where its opened.

    This is exactly that I am looking for today. Expect some kind of pullback next week.

    Have a great weekend.
