Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8th, 2010

The spot gold continues to trend higher. You can follow it by GLD or DGP.
However the gold stocks are not performing as well as spot gold because the overall market dragged them down little.

Where are we heading with the market?

I have a price target of QQQQ at 41.5 in short term.
For longer term I have a price target for SPY at 95.

If the market corrects in a heart beat, you can expect QQQQ and SPY targets meet in no time.


  1. Man, no rally today either. I was thinking today might be the day that we shoot straight back up, but instead its just a lot of back and fill between 1055 and 1040.

    Still holding on to TZA and wondering if there will be another sell off into the afternoon.

  2. I bagged $1 on TNA.. kept averaging down.

    was expecting rally for hammer reversal.

    bernake yapping tomorrow, so i figured squeeze into end.

    but damn that was a rocky ride ,and i wanted to bail so many time.

    i have a few more weeks sitting out of UPRO.. but TNA is working out just as nicely!

